Our latest newsletter
Click here or on the image to read.
Click here to listen to a CBC Radio interview
about this advocacy work.
AGM Invitation: Join Island Pathways Board on Sunday, Nov. 24 from 2-4pm at the SSI Library Community Room for concise updates on our many great projects, including:
- Partners Creating Pathways
- Cycling Salt Spring
- Walking & Biking Maps
- Salish Sea Trail Network & more.
Renew your membership & elect our new Board! Snacks provided and we’ll try to keep it to an hour! See you there!
Excellent Gulf Islands Driftwood article about Island Pathways’ “Road Smarts” videos, part of the push to get safe bike lanes through the island.
To read, see maps, and get the video link, click here or on the image.
Check out Island Pathways brochure for a quick summary of our work.
Our cycling and road map. Click here for a closer look.
Click here or on the image to read more and to buy.
Click here or on the image to watch this 4-minute visionary video.
Ganges Accessibility & Safety Plan (GASP)
making Ganges safer more accessible for mobility-aid users
Click here or on the image to view this video.
To keep it going:
become a member;
donate (official charitable tax receipts).
put your Country Grocer receipts into Island Pathways’ Save-A-Tape Box (#36);
buy our newly reprinted “Salt Spring on Foot” walking & hiking map or our new “Salt Spring on Wheels cycling map;
volunteer; sign up now about your interests and skills.