Governance 2023-12-10T01:11:41+00:00
Island Pathways is a Canadian registered charity incorporated in British Columbia as an non-profit society.
Our Constitution & By-Laws are available here as a PDF.
To learn more about membership please visit our Membership page

Board of Directors

Island Pathways Board of Directors are all volunteers, receiving no pay or contract work for their service. Board meetings are held monthly, sometimes with a summer month and December off, sometimes not.  Welcome to our 2023-2024 Board of Directors.

Bob Mackie
Bob MackiePresident
Bob joined the Island Pathways board in 2014 October and became President in 2023. He immediately took over as chair of the Bicycle Working Group. He brings a keen, informed interest in the economic advantages of creating a community rich with walking/cycling/mobility-aid opportunities.
Natasha Kong
Natasha KongVice President
We love to welcome aboard our new Vice President Natasha Kong, a strong team member from the cycle salt spring committee as comfortable with graphics and media as downhill riding.
Luke Campbell
Luke CampbellTreasurer
Luke Campbell, a cinematographer, is relatively new to Salt Spring with a has strong love cycling and desire to expand active-transportation and also sits on the Vancouver Bike Hub committee. He previously served as a Salt Spring Transportation Commissioner. In 2023 he took over as Treasurer and upgrading Island Pathways to fully electronic recording keeping and automated membership/donor systems.
Simon Rompre
Simon RompreSecretary
Simon Rompre, a 30+-year Salt Springer, joined the board in 2021 November. He’s a dedicated cyclist with strong and growing connections with the local cycling community. He’s keen to improve cycling knowledge and safety, especially with ever-more bicycles, including e-bikes, on our roads, we thank him for taking on the position of Secretary.
Wendy Webb
Wendy WebbDirector - MAPS
Wendy joined Island Pathways board in 1997. She sits as our Past President and was a long standing Vice President. She has with our programs getting 36 bike racks on island, assists Helmets for Life fittings and bike rodeos, and coordinated Heritage Map production, sales, and displays as posters on island and ferries.
Peter Meyer
Peter MeyerDirector - Partners Creating Pathways
Peter Meyer joins the board representing Partners Creating Pathways committee, representing the passing of the torch from the longstanding chair the amazing Jean. Peter experience on salt spring also included vice chair of the Transportation commission.
Michi Main
Michi MainDirector
Michi Main joins us from cycle saltspring as a new director of Island Pathways. A key figure in the new community park, and kids bike park.
Naomi Tweddle
Naomi TweddleDirector
Naomi Tweddle joins us from the cycle salt spring committee, another great active transportation advocate for our youth & community park
Margaretha Nordine
Margaretha NordineDirector
Margaretha has been with Island Pathways since 1997. She was the engine behind our Helmets for Life Program, is now part of the Cycling Salt Spring committee. Since 2001, she’s fitted 700+ precious Salt Spring elementary students with quality helmets for $10 cost to students, with community supporters picking up the rest of the cost. She taught bicycle-riding skills and held numerous Bike Rodeos, some of them with RCMP help.
Steve New
Steve NewDirector
Steve New joins us from the Cycle SaltSpring Committee, wit the desire to make cycling safer for all ages, he vast experience in intergovernmental affairs with the bc government during his time as COO of BC Transit.