Start your Walk&Wheel Week with a Kids-on-Wheels Scoot-bike Course at Mouats Park for preschoolers ad an Ebike Conversion Workshop & Garage Sale with Dave Elderton of Hilleater Bikes.
Then join the crew in Ganges Village to celebrate all green active transport at a Street Party with games, bicycle-blended smoothies, music, info tables and more. See ‘ya there!
Get ready to improve your mountain bike skills with Next Level Riding in Mouats Park over the June 3-5 weekend, courses for kids and adults.
And for mature adults, join a group to learn more about bike safety with Capital Bike’s Freedom 55+ Skills & Safety Course, followed by a group ride around Salt Spring.
We’re also launching the West Coast pilot of All Kids Bike at Salt Spring Elementary & Fernwood Schools and have a fabulous Tour de Thetis Bikeride planned for Saturday, June 4th. Thanks to funding from SSI Lions, SSI Firefighters Association, ICBC, BC Centre for Injury Research & Prevention and as part of province-wide GoByBikeBC Week.